Because “Earth” Without Art is Just “Eh”
An Even-More-Fun Way to Recycle!

Love art? Me, too! Art is one of my favorite things in the world. I’ve always wanted to be an artist and illustrator as well as a writer.
But, you say, you’re running out of things to make art with, because the coronavirus has you staying inside, unable to make an art store run?
No worries, fellow artist! I have a solution for you.
How about that recycling bin?
Check your recycling bin––you’ve got plenty of art materials in there! Just consider: you’ve got paper and pasteboard (the stuff cereal boxes are made of) in a bunch of different colors; you’ve got jars and cans you can put paint in (and on), and boxes you can use to made all kinds of things! And you’ve probably also got bags, and containers, and cardboard, and old magazines or newspapers, and bottle caps, and those loop things that come on bottles and cartons, and bread ties, and more… You’ve got tons of art materials!
Here’s how Callisto and I recently made art from our recycling bin here at home. These ideas might just help to get your creative juices flowing, too…

Recycled Project #1: Saturn V Rocket

Recycled Project #2: SolarBear’s Original Fire Dragon!
PS––If none of these ideas spark your imagination, try this funny trick to help you get an idea: with just your eyes––not your head––look back and forth as quickly as you can. This type of eye movement apparently connects the two sides of your brain, and literally helps you become more creative. (I learned this on the cool Netflix show, Brainchild––check it out!)
PPS — And just a reminder from my mom: Don’t forget to clean up your room afterwards! Although you probably also have a parent to tell you this. And you probably––I mean, definitely––won’t need the reminder!
What a great, fun concept to encourage recycled art which also benefits the planet! Both projects were well thought out and looked terrific. Even the tiny USA flag on the rocket was a perfect touch. Also I especially liked the dragon details including all the colors and even the catchlight in the large eye. Also,if you turned your dragon vertically, it resembled a Space Shuttle take off or landing!
Totally awesome post as usual!