
Hi! My webname is SolarBear (she/her) and my mission is to stop climate change, which, if you read this website, you’ll  know all about.

Facts about me:  I was twelve years old when I started this website, I’m homeschooled, I love animals, and I love reading and writing fantasy, graphic novels, and mysteries. I’m currently working on my own graphic novel which I hope to someday publish!

I live with my sister Callisto (she/her), my age, who loves astronomy and animals and is the talented creator of the webcomic On Thin Ice. She likes to do guest posts and help with illustrations. We’re both going to college soon!

I also live with my mom and dad (who both help me with this website — thanks, guys!), and dog Hazel, who really doesn’t help me with my website at all. I’m also a big fan of Rachel Carson, Greta Thunberg, Amy & Ella Meeks, Dr. Katherine Hayhoe and all the other cool climate scientists and activists out there.

Of course, I’m an even bigger fan of planet Earth…and yes, polar bears!

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